Pay Attention

Many of us plan our days around managing minutes and hours in an attempt to extract the most from each day. Focusing on time, however, is a flawed approach to productivity and won’t deliver the best results. To practice attention management, we need to understand our four brain states and how they impact our productivity.

Source: Fast Company

Product Of Your Environment

You can live under your circumstances or above them. You don’t have to become a prisoner of them. There are circumstances in which you have no control of such as your heredity, and others in which you do, such as the decisions you make.

Resist the temptation to think about the limitations your family background or environment creates for you. Regardless of your upbringing or who influenced your life, you can move beyond those limitations by making a conscious decision to be proactive.

Proactive people live life prepared and make the most out of a situation. It’s not until you desire more for yourself and take the appropriate action towards advancement that the right people and opportunities serendipitously appear.


Wealth gives the façade of power and control but often does not deliver. You can lose it instantly through uncontrollable factors, and those who seek it obsessively never find the happiness they think it promises.

Money is not wrong, and in reality, a necessity in our society. However, loving money too much leads to all sorts of problems. We often want more than we have and then lose sleep over the fear of losing it. Regardless of how much you earn, if you try to create happiness through the accumulation of wealth, you will never have enough.

Whatever financial situation you are in, learn how to use what you have wisely and constructively. Ultimately, you leave it behind when it’s time to depart this earthly world.

Don’t Become a Pawn to Someone

You can either take control of your life or let someone else do it for you. People become pawns when they allow themselves to be used by others for selfish purposes. It could be through the use of your name, children, employment, political agenda, money, physical makeup, or connections with others.

It’s not always easy to detect someone’s true intentions, but a telltale sign is when your ongoing involvement with them doesn’t produce anything respectable and ultimately interferes with your destiny. Life is too short to live another person’s dream, so live your life for you, and the rest will follow.

Check Your Attitude

A quick temper spreads fast and can cause you to take unimportant events too seriously.

For example, road rage, someone racing to be first in line, or encountering disgruntled people throughout your day.

Although these types of situations can make your blood pressure rise, you must remember that your inner attitude doesn’t have to reflect your outward circumstance.

We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control our attitude towards it.

It’s the attitude you choose that shapes your personality.