

If you take an objective view of your mind, you’ll find that many thoughts drift through it. Meditation is an effective way to clear the mind and gain focus. There are many things you can focus on, various ways to meditate, and no time restraints as to how long you do so.

It’s difficult to hear the answers we seek during the daily hustle and bustle of our lives. Stepping back from the noise and activity allows us to listen humbly and quietly for guidance.

When you have something troubling you and desire to gain more clarity, say a prayer about the subject matter and meditate on it. The answer may not come immediately, but meditating on it will help relax you and release negative energy within you.

Setting Standards


When you desire to perform at a certain level with someone you measure yourself against, you must first figure out how this became the best standard for you to follow and what you may have to do to get where they are.

If this person had to lie, cheat, and steal to acquire what they have, are you willing to adopt the same behaviors or identify with someone who outwardly appears to be at the same level but did so through hard work and personal integrity?

They may both be packaged differently in perception, but one worked smarter in the long run and the other in a way that will have them looking over their shoulder for years to come.

Whatever choice you make, be sure to consider the long term effects of the standards you set for yourself. Accomplishing a feat in the wrong way can set you up for future failure.