Choose Your Mate Carefully


Be cautious in your choice of companion. The person you choose to settle down with will have a significant effect on your life – physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

It’s best to align yourself with people demonstrating qualities you would like to develop in your life versus characteristics that raise concern. You must also exemplify the traits you desire in a mate if you expect to have a fulfilling relationship.

It takes time to get to know someone, and most often, you meet their representative first. After peeling back the layers, you sometimes discover that your selection wasn’t all that you expected.

Consider the following:

  • If an irresponsible parent blames someone else for their lack of responsibility, this is not someone you rush to have a child by.
  • Someone who mismanages money should raise a concern with your financial stability.
  • Two people in a relationship practicing different religions must identify how this will affect their household and their future.
  • Someone with an abusive past or addiction may require special care and support.
  • Someone that can’t maintain employment may create more pressure for you in the long run.
  • Someone with a selfish perspective may have difficulty respecting your opinions and belief. Remember, respect comes from mutual regard and appreciation for one another, not by forced obedience.

Your well being should be the primary goal when choosing a mate. People can change, but it would be wise on your part to assess if you are willing to take that risk.

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